



The latest version: 2.0.0 Install
Numbering Text GIF
The text numbering plug-in is used to create 2D or 3D text and label sequences, such as 1,2,3... Or a, B, CThe configurable contents of the plug-in include pre suffix, incremental number or string, font color, layer, height, etc. When creating 2D text, you can choose to have dimension lines to facilitate sequential dimensions
  2021-9-14 15:35   Category: Text/Labeling   Views: 3881   Comments number:3
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Hide Memory GIF
You can create an unlimited number of named groups of model elements to hide or show the groups at any time. The saved grouping properties can remain unchanged in the model.
  2021-9-14 15:35   Category: Utility Tools   Views: 3230   Comments number:5
The latest version: 1.2.0 Install
Align GIF
Aligns selected elements from the source axis system to the target axis system in the model, and also provides the option of whether to copy the target. Beginning with version 1.2.0, enhanced graphical axis preview and a more friendly user interface.This plug-in is different from other common reference alignment. It is after the coordinate axis position is customized by the group / component
  2021-9-14 15:35   Category: Axes/Wall   Views: 4773   Comments number:5
The latest version: 1.0.3 Install
Chaos GIF
The random chaos plug-in randomly moves, scales and rotates the selected crowd / component along the X, y and Z axes within the range.Select the coordinate axis to use, set whether to turn on the move, zoom and rotation status, and enter the corresponding parameters. The coordinate axis includes the world coordinate axis and the current coordinate axis (if the coordinate axis is moved, it will be
  2021-9-3 18:48   Category: 3D Form   Views: 5148   Comments number:2
The latest version: 3.0.0 Install
Projections tools GIF
A set of projection tools aimed at simplifying the modeling process, used to project or stretch objects on a plane. You can project various types of objects (guides, points, lines, faces...) and create guides between the source object and the projected object.When deleting guides, it will distinguish between the guides drawn by this plugin and the SketchUp native guides
  2021-8-27 10:09   Category: Utility Tools   Views: 5706   Comments number:2
The latest version: 1.1.0 Install
Guide Toys GIF
A set of auxiliary drawing tools aimed at simplifying the modeling process and quickly drawing auxiliary lines and points. Can draw finite and infinite auxiliary lines; Can draw auxiliary lines of different shapes - rectangular, polygonal, grid like, radial, fixed angle; Can convert straight lines and auxiliary line segments to each other; Can draw fixed numbers and
  2021-8-30 17:30   Category: Utility Tools   Views: 6900   Comments number:2
The latest version: 1.1.0 Install
Curic Axis Tool GIF
Set the coordinate axis of the group / component by picking it on the bounding box. After running the plug-in, you can mark the vertex and midpoint of the bounding box, and quickly snap and set the coordinate origin. If you want to set any point of the bounding box, you can press and hold shift; There are three ways to change the axis: drag directly with the mouse, press and hold the mouse and click
  2021-8-18 15:34   Category: Layer/Group   Views: 6594   Comments number:3
The latest version: 1.0.2 Install
Curic Screen Scale
Under the parallel projection display, the real two-dimensional scale of the model is displayed by setting the physical size of the screen.
  2021-8-18 15:33   Category: Text/Labeling   Views: 3206   Comments number:4
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Curic Dim Scale GIF
Displays dimensions when using the zoom tool.
  2021-8-17 17:42   Category: Text/Labeling   Views: 4215   Comments number:4
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Curic Split Geometry GIF
One click to create groups of scattered geometry with edges independently, or group the model elements connected by the selected edges independently (only faces will not be grouped), and automatically filter the existing components and groups. It is similar to the "group by group" function of another plug-in, but this plug-in will clearly mark the independent related Geometry
  2021-8-17 17:42   Category: Layer/Group   Views: 4932   Comments number:5





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