



The latest version: 2.5.1107 Install
SUAPP AIR "Inspiration rendering" is not a true renderer, but a pre tuned AI artifact. By simply adjusting the parameters, it can provide you with inspiration and flash a "rendering" to assist in refining the design plan and improve the efficiency of the early stage. Currently, it supports urban design, architectural design, and landscape
  2024-6-14 14:32   Category: Render Tools   Views: 421027   Comments number:26
The latest version: 1.0 Install
Fixed Area GIF
Modify the side length of the rectangle while fixing its area. Run the plug-in to select a rectangular face, select the edge you want to move, point to the desired new location, or type a dimension. Click the left mouse button to complete.
  2023-3-30 17:40   Category: Line/Face   Views: 6153   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.2 Install
Component Array GIF
Generates a component mesh array on selected faces. Supports batch face arrays and intra group face selection arrays. The input includes the components to place, the spacing, the rotation angle of the mesh, if the mesh is rectangular or triangular, and if the components are placed vertically perpendicular or normal to the face.The origin of the mesh is placed outside the face to allow
  2023-3-30 17:40   Category: Line/Face   Views: 6761   Comments number:1
The latest version: 0.08 Install
Combine Editor GIF
Intensive editing of a group or component object, using coordinate axes to display the manipulation of rulers and protractors to move, scale, and rotate the object.Specific operations:Drag a coordinate controller: Scale, rotate, or move an object in one directionDrag coordinate center: scaling objectsArbitrary mouse drag: moving objects freely...
  2023-3-28 09:03   Category: 3D Form   Views: 5549   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.0.0 Install
Trena Laser GIF
Follow the mouse to automatically measure the display edge or face to face distance. Press Shift to measure the spacing between the sides. Instead of using native tape tools, you can know the length of an object without measuring it.
  2023-3-22 13:50   Category: Text/Labeling   Views: 4007   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.5 Install
Remove Group/Component Materials GIF
In normal modeling habits, sometimes materials are directly assigned to groups or components, resulting in the absence of materials on faces within the group. This tool allows you to delete materials on groups or components and directly assign materials to faces within the group.This plug-in has similar functionality to the Material Tool (SUAPP No. 167), which is considered a
  2023-3-21 16:25   Category: Layer/Group   Views: 2766   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.1a Install
HoleEditor GIF
Edit the circular opening on the double-sided wall, change the size and number of segments of the opening, and delete the opening. Batch modification or deletion is supported.
  2023-3-15 17:18   Category: Utility Tools   Views: 2130   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.6 Install
Dual Dims GIF
Adjust the existing dimensions in the model to the set "double" format, usually a combination of metric and imperial units. If no dimension is selected, all dimensions are adjusted by default.
  2023-2-21 14:17   Category: Text/Labeling   Views: 2033   Comments number:1
The latest version: 2.1 Install
SpinUp GIF
You can quickly rotate multiple groups or components around their respective centers. Note that the rotation angle must be an integer.In-situ rotation: 1.0 Author: Alejandro SorianoThis function sets the rotation angle and axial direction in a command, and needs to be set again when the operation is repeated.In-situ rotation: 2.0 Author:
  2023-3-17 09:15   Category: 3D Form   Views: 4522   Comments number:2
The latest version: 1.1 Install
LookAt GIF
First create an attractor (generated at the origin) and place it in the desired position for the crowd or component. Select the Attractor and other groups or components, and then run Look At to rotate them toward the attractor. All components rotate around the world Z axis, so it only faces in the X and Y directions
  2023-2-8 15:34   Category: 3D Form   Views: 2037   Comments number:1





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