



The latest version: 1.2.1 Install
CLF Extrapolate Colors GIF
Infer that the material plug-in function can be randomly assigned to other surfaces without materials according to the assigned material surfaces in the selection area, and the allocation proportion of materials does not change.
  2019-4-10 09:48   Category: Render Tools   Views: 19997   Comments number:3
The latest version: 1.5 Install
Texture Tools GIF
The content for fine-tuning planar maps.
  2012-9-6 18:35   Category: Render Tools   Views: 20060   Comments number:2
The latest version: 2.7.1 Install
Material Tools GIF
A series of commands to remove a material and several about it.
  2019-1-14 14:43   Category: Render Tools   Views: 43688   Comments number:4
The latest version: 1.6 Install
Fix Reversed Face Materials GIF
It is often found that many faces are facing the camera on the opposite side after the model is made and the material is attached to the back of the camera. This situation does not affect the effect of SketchUp, but as long as you render or import it into 3dsmax, you will find many broken faces and materials
  2012-9-6 18:38   Category: Render Tools   Views: 20039   Comments number:1
The latest version: 1.21 Install
Gradientator GIF
Select a group of faces, select the start, middle and end colors in the dialog box, and the program will automatically generate a gradient color effect.
  2014-7-2 09:53   Category: Render Tools   Views: 27105   Comments number:7
The latest version: 1.1.0 Install
Material Replacer GIF
You can select materials to replace, absorb new materials for replacement, ignore the group level influence, and expand the operation of the default material manager.
  2013-8-20 21:20   Category: Render Tools   Views: 30843   Comments number:4
The latest version: 1.0.1 Install
Export 2D With Alpha GIF
You can export PNG format pictures with transparent backgrounds.
  2014-3-11 12:34   Category: Render Tools   Views: 21869   Comments number:5
The latest version: 1.2.0 Install
Blackout GIF
The selected material is converted to black and white, which is suitable for some later software as a mask for matting.
  2012-6-19 22:13   Category: Render Tools   Views: 11846   Comments number:1
The latest version: 0.1 Install
Section By Camera GIF
This plug-in gives us an alternative way to generate a plan, especially if the 3D model is complete. Shadow in SketchUp plan is not very natural. Sunlight enters through the sheared part of the model. This method of generating section keeps the realistic shadow. ...
  2014-3-10 15:18   Category: Render Tools   Views: 14948   Comments number:2
The latest version: 1.0.1 Install
SketchUV GIF
This function is the mapping coordinate adjustment tool on SketchUp. The right-click menu contains the functions of planar map, spherical map, cylindrical map, box map, path map, and quadrilateral map; you can also export the map to other software for map adjustment, and then import the map back. Make up for sketch
  2014-4-2 11:53   Category: Render Tools   Views: 56145   Comments number:14





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